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Sydney, Australia
My musings and meanderings on childhood - mine juxtaposed with that of my kids'. Everyday incidents and images from our life in Sydney turn my thoughts towards my own wonder years growing up in Bandra, Bombay, India.

25 March 2011

iPad, iWant

So Apple launched its iPad 2 in Australia today. Not surprisingly, some customers camped overnight in front of Apple’s Sydney store to be among the first few. My first thoughts were, Don’t they have anything better to do with their time? What losers! They need to get a life!

Then again, aren’t most of us slaves to what I call "modern i-deology"? Tech junkies who have to have the newest/fastest/shiniest gadget or gizmo?

Hands up if you’re guilty of one/some/all of the following:
~ Playing PS3 games for hours on end
~ Checking Facebook five times a day
~ Clicking on your Inbox the minute it ‘pings!’
~ Texting/answering your mobile when you shouldn’t be.

Told you so! And then you have the gall to say we're time-poor. Suffer from information overload. Modern living is just too crazy. Well, here’s a tip: put the brakes on your e-life to get on with your real life!


  1. Information overload and family disconnect is where we are today. Having a conversation in our house can be a challenge at times due some form of device whether it's the TV, Ipod, DVD oh and Computer the distraction is immense! I am reading a book recommended within our book club called The Winter of Our Disconnect: How Three Totally Wired Teenagers (and a Mother Who Slept with Her iPhone) Pulled the Plug on Their Technology and Lives by Susan Maushart - only a few pages in and I am hooked. So all those who have asked me to be a friend on Facebook and I have not replied, sorry - I just won't go there.

  2. Life has been splendid ever since I got off facebook. Along with that, making the decision to spend only half an hour a day checking email has added hours to my day. Try it...but then may be not - we like your blog posts. :)


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