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Sydney, Australia
My musings and meanderings on childhood - mine juxtaposed with that of my kids'. Everyday incidents and images from our life in Sydney turn my thoughts towards my own wonder years growing up in Bandra, Bombay, India.

18 December 2012

Santa Claus is Coming to Town

Santa is taking centre-stage at the Rodericks’ residence. While Baby Jesus lays peacefully in his crib and the baubles wink at us, all breakfast talk is on the Man in Red.

Caitlyn: “I think I saw Santa coming into my room last night...”
Me: “Santa will be here only on Christmas eve.”
Caitlyn: “Maybe he was checking on me to see if I’ve been good...”
Breslyn: “Then maybe he saw how many times you woke up Mummy and Daddy last night. Hmm...”
Caleb: “But how will he get into the house? We don’t have a chimney – we only have a fireplace.”
Me: “Maybe he has a special magic key to open all the doors of all the houses in the whole, entire world.”

I remember how I found out the truth behind Santa.
I could not have been a day over seven years old. It was Christmas Day. Dad, Jason and I were out visiting the rellies. First stop: dad’s eldest sister, Enid’s mammoth house. We’re sitting around the dining table at the back, marvelling at – and indulging in – A.Enid’s marzipan fruit and Christmas cake. Then U.Trevor and A.Enid ask what Santa brought me. My cousin Bruce leans in and whispers to me, “Santa’s not real; your mum and dad put your present there while you were sleeping.”

The world as I knew it shatters. The horror!

So when it comes to my kids, I'm going to bend over backwards to keep the magic and mystery of Santa Claus alive for as long as possible. And maybe leave some marzipan out for Santa on Christmas eve as a bribe...

What do you remember most about Christmas when you were growing up?
What are you doing to celebrate the festive season this year?
What’s on your wish-list to Santa?

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