“So many people going to office,
... tall trees,
...big, big buildings. Daddy works in a big building.
...three school children,
...a cafe. Does it sell doughnuts? I like doughnuts.
Look Mummy, two BIG COCKS!!”
“What?!?” I splutter.
He points to the North Sydney Post Office with its clock tower looming large.
“CLLLL-ocks, Caleb, CLOCKS,” I enunciate.
“...and there goes a big fuck too!”
“Yes, Caleb, that’s a TRuck.”
Caleb with his toy TRUCK
Pin drop silence on the bus. The men in black shuffle their newspapers; the women in their power suits swipe their iPad screens. Hehehehee!!! A teenager sniggers. A split-second later, the entire bus roars with laughter. The bus driver is laughing so hard, I’m surprised the bus doesn’t swerve off the road.
Oh well, at least 30 people got their jollies that morning...
And I made that call to Community Services’ Speech Therapy Centre, pronto.
Have your children said anything that has made you cringe? Have you made some unfortunate slips of the tongue? Is there any word you just can’t pronounce, or spell? Do you ever take public transport? What do you do on your journey to pass the time?